National Centre for
Biblical Counselling

Courses (awards)

Online and on-campus options available

As an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, PTC is approved to deliver its courses (CRICOS 02650E).


With almost all units at the Centre and PTC being offered online (by recordings and many with a live video-conference option), it is possible to complete various degrees entirely online. See the Units page for more information of online options.


While PTC degrees can be completed fully on-campus, the Centre only offers the introductory units PC002 and PC003 routinely on-campus (and occasionally intensive units are held, usually taken by guest lecturers from CCEF or similar).

Choosing a course

As a Centre within PTC, students who wish to focus their studies on Biblical Counselling should enrol in one of the awards offered by PTC (which are awards of the Australian College of Theology). Biblical Counselling can then be incorporated into PTC’s undergraduate and postgraduate awards by choosing units from the Pastoral and Church-Focused Ministry (PC) field that focus on Biblical Counselling. The ACT does not formally have a course (award) or unit field of study solely dedicated to Biblical Counselling, but it does have units that allow that focus. These units sit under the ‘PC’ category and can be taken in most of the ACT’s courses (awards). Go to the Courses (awards) page of the PTC website for the full list of courses available at PTC. 

Biblical-theological integration

Biblical counselling requires knowledge of Scripture and theology. Whilst some awards could be completed solely by taking units focused on Biblical Counselling, it is preferable to integrate a Biblical Counselling focus with other studies. The units page suggests units that can be incorporated into a degree with a biblical counselling focus. Many courses require at least two biblical introduction units and a theology or church history unit. Also bear in mind that an accreditation body may insist that Biblical Counselling units have been taken in the context of wider biblical and theology studies.

Course recommendations

As some examples of courses that can be taken, a Biblical Counselling focus can be had in the following. Note that usual course and unit requirements have to be met and access to higher level units is not always possible or may only be possible at later stages of course progression.


UCertMin (4 units, 1 semester if full-time). Requires 1 biblical-theological unit and allows for 3 of the Centre’s Biblical Counselling units. Access to level 7 counselling units is not possible.

DipMin (8 units, 1 yr if full-time). Requires 3 biblical-theological units and allows for 5 of the Centre’s Biblical Counselling units. Access to level 7 counselling units is not possible.

AssocDegMin (16 units, 2 yrs if full-time). Allows for 8 of the Centre’s Biblical Counselling units (equivalent to one year of the course if full time). Access to level 7 units is possible later in the course of study.

BMin (24 units, 3 yrs if full-time). Requires 12 biblical-theological units and allows for 8 of the Centre’s Biblical Counselling units (equivalent to one year of the course if full time). Access to level 7 units is possible later in the course of study.


GradCertDiv (4 units, 1 semester if full-time). Can be taken entirely as Biblical Counselling units.

GradDipDiv (8 units, 1 yr if full time). Requires 3 biblical-theological units and allows for 5 of the Centre’s Biblical Counselling units.

Master of Arts (Christian Studies) (16 units, 2 years if full-time). Allows for 8 of the Centre’s Biblical Counselling units (equivalent to one year of the course if full time), with 24cps of ‘integrative’ work required (as a project, projects, or similar).

MTS (16 units, 1 year with advanced standing for a completed GDipDiv, MA(ChrisStud), or MDiv; 1.5 years with advanced standing for a completed BTh, BMin, or GCertDiv; 2 years if full-time and no advanced standing). Allows for 8 of the Centre’s Biblical Counselling units (equivalent to one year of the course if full time). If no advanced standing is applicable, requires 3 biblical-theological units.

MDiv (24 units, 3 yrs if full time). Requires 18 biblical-theological units and allows for 6 of the Centre’s Biblical Counselling units.

God’s wisdom for abundant living in Christ

The National Centre for Biblical Counselling is a centre of PTC, a Reformed, evangelical Bible college training people for ministry and mission

ABN 89 276 382 053

© 2024 PTC