National Centre for
Biblical Counselling


Need flexibility? All of the Centre’s units are available online

As an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, PTC is approved to deliver its courses (CRICOS 02650E).


All biblical counselling units (other than the field education practical component) can be taken online, whether via recorded lectures, live video-conference attendance, or both for some units.

PC002 and PC003 are offered on-campus every year. Occasional intensive units are held, usually taken by guest lecturers from CCEF or similar. Check the semester timetables on the PTC website.


Seven biblical counselling units are currently offered regularly, as below. It is hoped to have a supervision practicum available for 2024 semester 2. Further units in biblical counselling can be arranged, tailored to your requirements, with a project, capstone experience, or study contract offering significant flexibility.

Foundation units

PC002 and PC003 are the two foundation units in biblical counselling. These ordinarily should be completed before the advanced biblical counselling units.

Also, PTC almost always requires PC002 to be completed before PC003. PC002 lays the theoretical foundation that PC003 builds on.

On-campus and online (recorded lectures and live via video conferences) every first semester, annually.
On-campus and online (recorded lectures and live via video conferences) every second semester, annually.

Advanced units

This is offered online and uses recorded lectures by David Powlison (formerly Westminster Seminary and CCEF). To do this unit at level 9, speak to the Academic Dean.
This is an online-only unit with recordings from CCEF of Aaron Sironi and Winston Smith.
This is offered online and uses lectures recorded at PTC by Mike Emlet of CCEF.
This is offered online and uses lectures recorded at PTC by Ed Welch of CCEF.
A project can be arranged if you would like to undertake further study in biblical counselling. Masters courses require a project or capstone. Please speak to Karl Hood or the Academic Dean.
A supervision practicum unit is being prepared for 2024. Subject to limited availability.

Biblical-theological integration

Biblical counselling requires knowledge of Scripture and theology. Whilst some awards could be completed solely by taking units focused on Biblical Counselling, it is preferable to integrate a Biblical Counselling focus with other studies. Relevant units that can be incorporated into a degree with a biblical counselling focus include the following. Many courses require at least two biblical introduction units and a theology or church history unit.






God’s wisdom for abundant living in Christ

The National Centre for Biblical Counselling is a centre of PTC, a Reformed, evangelical Bible college training people for ministry and mission

ABN 89 276 382 053

© 2024 PTC