National Centre for
Biblical Counselling


The gifts of God’s people are essential for the ministry of the Centre

Donations to PTC and the Centre are always welcome and needed. One-off or periodic donations can be made.

General donations

General donations are allocated to the areas of greatest need at the College’s discretion. If using the donation payment process below, you do not need to specify any fund type.

Specific donations

If you wish, you can specify a particular purpose. Please specify the donation type (ie. ‘Library Fund’) in the optional ‘specify a fund’ section of the payment process. Note the first three categories below are tax-deductible – please ask if you would like more information about those options. Donation options include:

  • Library Building Appeal (tax-deductible and non tax-deductible options): Your donation will go towards the construction of our planned new library, which will better accommodate our growing student body and theological collection.

  • Building Fund (tax-deductible): Your donation will go towards the general maintenance and running of the College buildings and property.

  • Library Fund (tax-deductible): Your donation will go towards the work and running costs of the Library.

  • Scholarship Fund: Your donation will go towards the tuition fees of PCA ministry candidates.

  • Centre for Biblical Counselling: Your donation will go towards the costs of the Centre.

Donate via credit card or Paypal: 

Note that payment is to ‘The Presbyterian Church of Victoria’,
which owns and operates PTC.

Donate via direct deposit:

If you wish to give via direct deposit,
please contact the College office for details.

God’s wisdom for abundant living in Christ

The National Centre for Biblical Counselling is a centre of PTC, a Reformed, evangelical Bible college training people for ministry and mission

ABN 89 276 382 053

© 2024 PTC